Martirosants Monastery or the Church of St. Astvatsatsin Martiros is located in the Vayots Dzor region of Armenia, 2.5 km southeast of the village of Martiros. The cave monastery is the most famous and largest rock architectural complex in Armenia after Geghard, and in terms of internal sound, the first in Armenian church construction with high constructive art. In front of the monastery, the ruins of the old village, the dwellings of the monastery monks and the entrance to the river of a dug hole 200 meters long have been preserved to this day. According to the surviving inscriptions, the monastery was built by Martiros Vardapet in 1286, and the architect was the mason Grigorik. The locals call it Martiros Monastery.
Martirosants Monastery
Photo By: Artur Martirosyan
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