Kavart Greek Church is located in Kavart village, Syunik Region of Armenia. The church is currently not functioning, it is in a state of emergency. It was built in the 19th century for foreigners exploiting the mines of Kapan, 5-6 km from the city, now in the village of Kavart. According to the construction record of the fateful stone, the Greek Kondurov brothers built the church in 1865. It is a domed building, built with a combination of non-local, dark brown tuff stone and basalt. The use of white-yellowish limestone for the eaves, window frames, and decorative bands added an interesting color tone to the structure. The bell tower is attached to the western facade of the church. The tomb of the builder of the church is also located here.
Kavart Greek Church
According to experts, the church is a unique structure, but it is in a state of emergency today. At the base of the church there are exploited mines. There are deep cracks on the southwestern and northern sides of the structure, as a result of which all the walls of the temple have cracked, and it is even possible that the time will come when the building will collapse.
Photo By: Cosmo Deus
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