Aramyants castle is located in the Lori region of Armenia, it is built in the Swiss style. It was built by Mikael Aramyants in Akhtala city of Lori region in the 1900s, which is the only preserved castle in Armenia apart from the Tairov castle in Vanadzor. On December 15, 2016, by the decision of the government, it was included in the state list of immovable monuments of history and culture and received the status of historical and cultural monument. Hovhannes Tumanyan, Catholicos Hayrik Khrimyan, famous opera singer Shalyapin, theater director Meyerhold, Lithuanian poet Mezhelaitis and others rested in Aramyants castle at different times. It should be noted that the first tennis court in Armenia was located in the Aramyants castle, and the most important fact is that the declaration of the first Republic of Armenia was adopted in the castle.
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